How to Keep Viewers Hooked — Tips for Better Online Video Engagement

Woman asleep with coffee mug in hand, having lost interest in an online video

17 Hours - A Story of Our Time

17 hours. That's how much online video the average person watches in a week in 2023. Our video attention span isn't a static line on a graph. It's more like a James Bond chase sequence, constantly in motion, full of twists and turns. Every second matters. It's whether you're ready to take the wheel and drive.

Historical Perspective - A Shift in Time and Attention

Back in 2008, Tubemogul found that half of your audience would be gone by the 60-second mark. A minute to engage, or disappear. Those who failed to grasp this reality were left behind. 10% clicked away within 10 seconds. An imperative, not just for then, but for now, to hook viewers swiftly. While this was before the era of short-form content like TikTok and Instagram Stories, it's still a valuable lesson in understanding how visitors react to video.

Graph from 2008 showing viewer retention for 60-second videos, with only 23.71% continuing to watch after 2 minutes and 9.42% after 5 minutes - Source Tubemogul 2008

Your videos must not only entertain but engage, inform, and prompt. It's not about time and is about enrichment. In a world where attention is currency, make your content a call to action.

Modern Video Attention Span Statistics

Video isn't just something on the horizon. It's here and now and this is why it matters:

  • 3.5 billion - That's how many people are expected to be watching digital videos worldwide. It's nearly half the planet.

  • 17 hours a week - The average person is watching this much online video in 2023. That's more than two full workdays and you have to figure out how that fits into their schedule.

  • 52% more shares - Video content gets shared. If you're not in the video game, you're missing out on this shareability.

  • 75% on mobile - The smartphone isn't just for texting. Short-form video content is where a lot of people are.

  • 60 seconds or less - Marketers, that's your magic number. 83% of us agree on this so focus on keeping it short and engaging.

The future of content is video, and the future of video is now and the stats point to where we are headed. The landscape of video content is evolving, not gradually, but at a breakneck speed. So the next questions is, what can we do to put our best foot forward to improve engagement?

How Feedback and Analytics Make You Unstoppable

Monitoring video analytics isn't merely about numbers. It's about fine-tuning your performance. YouTube and Vimeo? They're giving you the tools you need to really get what's going on with video attention span, so you can dial in your content to where the eyes are. Focus on metrics like 'Average View Duration,' iterate based on feedback, and embrace the iterative process.

What is ASL and Average View Duration?

In the intricate dance of video content creation and consumption, two terms stand out as significant: ASL (Average Shot Length) and Average View Duration. Think these terms sound techy? Think again. They're the bread and butter of getting what's happening in video engagement, and you've got to understand them to make your content really hit the mark.

ASL (Average Shot Length)

  • Definition: ASL, or Average Shot Length, refers to the average length of time a shot lasts in a video or film. This isn't just numbers and stats. It's about the beat, the flow, the vibe of your content. Get this right, and you're not just telling a story. You're taking your audience on a journey.

  • Importance: ASL is a crucial tool for content creators as it guides the viewer's emotional response and attention. A rapid ASL can create a sense of excitement or urgency, while a longer ASL may lead to a more contemplative or introspective experience. It's not just a technical measurement but a reflection of storytelling style and intention.

Average View Duration

  • Definition: Average View Duration is the total amount of watched time divided by the total number of video plays, including replays and restarts. This number doesn't lie. It's the raw, unfiltered truth of how many minutes and seconds people are giving to your content. It's your playbook and a key reality check. Now what are you going to do about it?

  • Importance: Understanding Average View Duration is vital for video content creators and marketers, as it reveals the level of engagement with the content. A higher average view duration usually indicates that the content is resonating with the audience, holding their attention. Conversely, a lower duration might signal a need for adjustment in content pacing, relevance, or quality.

Using ASL (Average Shot Length) as a Tool for Engagement

ASL, or Average Shot Length, is more than a technical term. It's a storytelling device.

In the world of Bond, where every scene is a dance between danger and design, ASL plays a crucial role. Quick scene changes, rapid shifts between shots – the pace is unrelenting, the attention unfailing. Here, the ASL might be as brief as a few seconds.

But take a leap from the thrilling landscapes of Bond to the contemplative terrains of a film like "2001: A Space Odyssey." Here, the ASL is a slow, meditative gaze. Scenes tend to last longer with the intention of allowing viewers to soak in the detail and emotion of that moment. The video attention span here isn't a sprint and its more of a marathon.

Why It Matters: Whether it's the adrenaline-pumping pace of a Bond chase or the philosophical pondering of Kubrick's masterpiece, ASL shapes the rhythm of the narrative.

Experiment: Experiment: Think of your video like a film director. Are you leading a chase, or inviting contemplation? Mix and match shot lengths to find the rhythm that resonates with your audience's video attention span. Also, consider the music or soundtrack you plan to use, as the number of shots should be aligned with your soundtrack choices.

Real-world References: From the rapid-fire editing of "The Bourne Identity" to the lingering, absorbing shots of "The Godfather," ASL is a silent symphony that orchestrates the viewer's experience.

The Key: Understanding how ASL affects video attention span is not just about timing. It's about tempo, texture, and truth. It's an art, and it's waiting for your brushstroke.

You can find out more about Film Database ASL counts here for anyone interested.

Why Does ASL and Average View Duration Matter?

Both ASL and Average View Duration are key performance indicators in the world of digital video. They help content creators to:

  1. Analyse Viewer Engagement: By tracking these metrics, creators can better understand what keeps viewers watching, what might be causing them to leave, and what can be done to improve retention.

  2. Tailor Content Strategy: Understanding the ideal ASL for specific content and monitoring the average view duration helps in crafting videos that resonate with the intended audience.

  3. Optimize for Success: These terms are not static and require continuous attention and fine-tuning. By adapting ASL and paying close attention to average view duration, creators can respond to viewer preferences and trends, ensuring that their content remains engaging and relevant.

In the ever-evolving landscape of video content, these terms are navigational tools. They are not merely measurements but narrators of how content is being consumed and how it can be enhanced. They guide creators in making intentional choices that align with their audience's needs and desires. In the race for attention, understanding and utilizing ASL and Average View Duration can make all the difference.

Additional Tips for Retention Improvement

In the ever-evolving world of content creation, retaining viewer attention is paramount. As video becomes an increasingly popular medium, it's essential to recognize key strategies that can hold your audience's gaze from start to finish. Here are some additional tips to enhance retention and keep your viewers engaged throughout your video content:

  • Engage Early: The first 10 seconds are crucial. Capture attention with a compelling introduction.

  • Quality Content: Ensure your content is relevant, well-structured, with quality visuals and sound.

  • Call to Action: Guide the viewers to the next step with a compelling call to action.

  • Mobile Optimization: Adapt videos for mobile viewing, as many users consume content on their phones.

  • Closed Captioning: Subtitles help accommodate viewers watching without sound, broadening your reach.

Final Thoughts

Improving video viewing rates isn't a one-time task. By integrating these strategies, you can elevate video retention rates, engage your audience, and thrive in your endeavours. Embrace the complexity of video attention span.

Nigel Camp

Filmmaker with a focus on creating imaginative videos and impactful campaigns that deliver great outcomes.


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